Accueil Personal Information Protection
Humania Assurance Inc. (“Humania Assurance”) places an increased emphasis on protecting the personal information it collects in the course of its activities. To that end, Humania Assurance has adopted a personal information protection policy to ensure a structured approach to the collection, retention, use, disclosure and destruction of personal information. As such, the person in charge of the protection of personal information must ensure that this policy is adhered to at all times and complies with all relevant legislation.
Personal information is any information which relates to a natural person and allows that person to be identified. This includes the name, age, sex, address, income, social insurance number, financial information and medical information.
Humania Assurance collects only personal information that is needed to fulfill the specific purposes for which it was collected.
This personal information is primarily required for:
Generally, your consent is required for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.
This consent must be manifest, free, informed and given for specific purposes. This consent can be given in a variety of formats (written, electronic, etc.)
Anyone who provides personal information is presumed to have consented to its use and disclosure for the purposes for which it was collected.
In some cases specifically provided for by law, consent is not required for the use and disclosure of your personal information, for example:
Humania Assurance uses and discloses personal information collected only for the purposes for which it was collected, except when the individual consents, or as required or permitted by law.
In performing its duties, Humania Assurance must disclose the personal information it holds to its agents, business partners or service providers in certain circumstances and subject to any legal requirements.
When transferring data, Humania Assurance employs a process that ensures the protection, security and confidentiality of personal information by using channels to establish and support an effective encryption mechanism whenever possible.
Humania Assurance takes the necessary steps to ensure that its agents and service providers use personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and to protect its confidentiality.
Humania Assurance retains the personal information in its possession only for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained, subject to the additional retention periods required by law.
In the course of its operations, Humania Assurance may record and retain telephone calls and other means of correspondence in order to confirm its clients’ instructions, ensure the quality of its services and enable it to exercise, when necessary, its right to monitor the work performed by its employees.
When the purposes for which the personal information was collected have been fulfilled, and at the end of the statutory retention period, Humania Assurance securely destroys or anonymizes the personal information, which includes taking steps to prevent third-party access to the information.
Humania Assurance takes appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality of the personal information it holds and that its staff, agents, business partners and service providers take appropriate security measures to provide the same level of confidentiality and protection of personal information.
All personal information is stored in vaults with restricted access or is protected, including by electronic security systems, as appropriate.
Access to personal information is strictly limited to authorized personnel, meaning only those persons whose access is necessary to fulfill their duties or mandate.
Humania Assurance ensures the security of its clients’ data by implementing data protection reinforced by physical and logical technical security measures to guarantee said data’s integrity, confidentiality and secure treatment.
At any time, you may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, subject to legal or contractual restrictions.
However, such a withdrawal could, for example, restrict access to insurance coverage, result in the refusal or termination of a claim, or cause any other similar situation to occur.
Everyone has the right to ask Humania Assurance for access to the information contained in their file or used by Humania Assurance to make a decision.
In addition, anyone may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the personal information contained in their file and has the right to request that Humania Assurance rectify that information.
Access or rectification requests can only be considered if it they are made inwriting by a person justifying their identity as a person concerned, such as a representative, an heir, a successor of that person, an administrator of the estate, a life insurance beneficiary or a person having parental authority.
Humania Assurance may refuse a request for access or rectification in cases provided for by law. In such cases, refusal is motivated by the provision of the applicable law, the remedies available and the period during which those remedies may be exercised. Upon request, Humania Assurance assists the consumer in this process.
To access your personal information, please complete and submit this access request form.
Any person who feels that their rights have been infringed upon may file a privacy complaint with Humania Assurance.
To file a complaint, follow the procedure available on our webpage at:
If you need assistance in writing your complaint, please contact our legal department at, specifying the details of your request.
If you have any questions or requests related to your personal information, please contact the person in charge of the protection of personal information and privacy at the following address:
Assistant Vice-President, Legal Affairs & Compliance
Humania Assurance inc.
1555 Girouard Street West, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 2Z6